Cave paintings found in 2002 in Banda depict a hunter riding a horse in a group hunting scene. Similar groups in Punjab camp at sites protected by windbreaks. 40,000 Hunter-gatherers in Central India are living in painted rock shelters. Asia settle Indonesian Islands and Australia. As a result, Villems said, “I think that the Aryan Invasion theory in its classic form is dead.” § 50,000 Genetic research by Richard Villems of the Estonian Biocentre concludes that the maternal lineages of modern-day India’s populations are largely unique to India, and on the order of 50,000 years old. 60,000 According to genetic scientist Spencer Wells’ research, televised by National Geographic, early man’s first wave of migration from Africa occurred at this time to India, evidenced by the genetic makeup of Tamil Nadu’s modern-day Kallar community, who are related to the Australian aborigines.

Human population estimated at 1.7 million. 100,000 Homo sapiens sapiens with 20th-century man’s brain size (1,450 cc) are in East Africa. 300,000 Homo sapiens roams the Earth, from Africa to Asia. 360,000 Fire is first controlled by homo erectus in China. 400,000 Soan culture in India is using primitive chopping tools. 470,000 India’s hominids are active in Tamil Nadu and Punjab. 500,000 Stone hand axes and other tools are used in North India. 2 M Stone artifacts are made and used by hominids in North India, an area rich in animal species, including the elephant. 2.5 M Genus Homo originates in Africa, cradle of humanity.